Assorted Bizzare Facts |
- Q is the only letter in
the alphabet that is not in the name of any of the U.S. states.
- It took more than 10
million bricks to erect the Empire State Building.
- A Viking tribe once
raided England because they had run out of beer.
- 315 entries in
Webster's Dictionary will be misspelled.
- A group of crows is
called a murder.
- Dr. Seuss coined the
word nerd in his 1950 book "If I Ran The Zoo."
- A car is stolen every
30 seconds in the United States.
- 92% of pay-per-view tv
programs contain violence.
- A coward was originally
a boy who took care of cows.
- Ballroom dancing is a
major at Brigham University.
- Jet lag was once called
boat lag, before there were jets.
- Laughter is a proven
way to lose weight.
- 27% of U.S. male
college students believe life is a meaningless existential hell.
- 60% of electrocutions
occur while talking on the phone during a thunderstorm.
- In the 40's, the Bich
pen was changed to Bic for fear that Americans would pronounce it 'Bitch.
- Out of all of the
postage stamps in the United States with people's faces on them, there is not
one that has the picture of someone alive.
- People in Sweden,
Japan, and Canada are more likely to know the population of the United States
than are Americans.
- In the summer of 1959,
the United States Postal Service experimented with the delivery of letters by
guided missile.
- Ballroom dancing is a
major at Brigham University.
- Happy Birthday To You
is the most often sung song in America
- Nick Mason is the only
member of Pink Floyd to appear on all of the band's albums.
- 1 in every 4 Americans
has appeared on television.
- The plastic things on
the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
- Between 1937 and 1945
Heinz produced a version of Alphabet Spaghetti especially for the German
market that consisted solely of little pasta swastikas.
- If you add together all
the numbers on a roulette wheel (1 to 36), the total is the number 666.
- Mr. Peanut was invented
in 1916 by a Suffolk, Virginia schoolchild who won $5 in a design contest
sponsored by Planters Peanuts.
- The most expensive
advertisement slots in American TV history were during the last episode of
"Seinfeld". Each 30-second spot sold for an estimated $1.5 million. NBC made
more than $30 million in advertising revenues on that one show.
- The blueprints for the
Eiffel Tower covered more than 14,000 square feet of drafting paper.
- For $33.80, you can buy
a corpse scent kit. These are technically used for training search and rescue
dogs, but it is a product with interesting possibilities.
- Peanuts are one of the
ingredients of dynamite.
- The only real person to
be a Pez head was Betsy Ross.
- The audio CD first
arrived in the US in 1984.
- Silly Putty was
originally designed as an alternative to rubber.
- Walt Disney was afraid
of mice.
- The first CD pressed in
the US was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the USA."
- The first owner of the
Marlboro company died of lung cancer.
- People say "Bless you"
when you sneeze because when you sneeze, your heart stops for a millisecond.
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