- In case of emergency, break glass. Scream. Bleed to death
- In case of fire, yell "FIRE!"
- In politics stupidity is not a handicap.
- In the land of the witless, the halfwit is king.
- In war there is no substitute for victory.
- Individualists of the world UNITE!
- Interchangeable parts won't.
- Internal combustion engines are the dinosaurs' revenge
- Interstellar Matter is a Gas.
- Invisible Systems, Inc. If you don't see it, we made it.
- Is it OK to yell 'MOVIE' in a crowded firehouse?
- Is it possible to feel gruntled?
- Is there life before coffee?
- Is this a machine? I don't talk to machines! [Click]
- Is this the right room for an argument?
- It all looks the same if you're not the lead dog.
- It did what? Well, it's not supposed to do that.
- It doesn't work, but it looks pretty.
- It is always better to sacrifice your opponent's men.
- It is bad luck to be superstitious.
- It is fatal to live too long.
- It is morally wrong to allow suckers to keep their money.
- It really bothers me when people cut me o...
- It works better if you plug it in.
- It's a fine line between fishing & standing still.
- It's a fine night to have an evening.
- It's a good thing we don't get all the government we pay for.
- It's a tough job! ..... So I'd Rather YOU do it.
- It's been a business doing pleasure with you.
- It's been lovely, but I have to scream now.
- It's best to leave quickly when you make noises like that...
- It's better to burn out than to fade away.
- It's easier to obtain forgiveness than permission.
- It's easy to be brave from a safe distance.
- It's hard to be serious when you're naked.
- It's like Deja Vu all over again...
- It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.
- It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere!
- It's not pretty being easy.
- It's not the bullet that kills you, it's the hole.
- It's not the money I want, it's the stuff.
- It's not the principle of the thing, it's the money
- It's okay to be ugly...but aren't you overdoing it?
- It's smart to pick your friends, but not your nose.
- Its a JOKE, like the funny kind but different.
- JFK: I need this motorcade like a hole in my head!
- Jealousy is all the fun you think they have.
- Joseph Stalin's grave was a Communist Plot.
- Junk: stuff we throw away. Stuff: junk we keep.
- Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get me!
- Just don't tell the asylum you saw me here.
- Just how much leg have I got.
- Just what part of "NO" didn't you understand?
- Justice: A decision in your favor.
- Kamikaze Pilot Wanted: Experience necessary.
- Keyboard Not Found - Press [F1] to Continue.
- Killer Rabbit's Motto: "Lettuce Prey."
- Kilroy occupied these coordinates.
- Kleptomania: take something for it.
- Know what I hate? I hate rhetorical questions!
- Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.
- Laugh and the world thinks you're an idiot.
- Laughter: The shortest distance between two people.
- Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.
- Lesser artists borrow. Great artists steal.
- Let he who takes the plunge remember to return it!
- Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
- Let's split up, we can do more damage that way.
- Life - brief interlude between nothingness and eternity.
- Life is like a Car-wash and I'm on a bicycle.
- Life is only as long as you live it.
- Life is dessert first!
- Life sucks, but Death swallows!
- Likes and dislikes are among my favorites.
- Live before you die.
- Living poor is best left to those with no money.
- Locked coathanger in car. Good thing I had a key.
- Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
- Love is blind, marriage is the eye-opener.
- M.A.D.D.: Midgets Against Desk Drawers.
- Make Headlines..use a corduroy pillow.
- Make like a Tom and Cruise.
- Make like a baby and head out.
- Make like a banana and split.
- Make like a drum and beat it!
- Make like a tree and leave.
- Make somebody happy. Mind your own business.
- Make up a language and ask people for directions.
- Man has his will. Woman has her won't!
- Man invented language to satisfy his need to complain.
- Man who get hit by car, get that run down feeling
- Man who jumps through screen door likely to strain himself.
- Man who put head on railroad track get splitting headache.
- Man who run behind car get exhausted.
- Man who speaks with forked tongue should not kiss balloon.
- May I please be excused? My Brain is full.
- May the Porsche be with you.
- May you live in interesting times.
- May your life be filled with experiences.
- Meditation is not what you Think.
- Megabyte: A nine course dinner.
- Memory is a thing we forget with.
- Misfortune: The kind of fortune that never misses.
- Mistakes are often the stepping stones to utter failure.
- Modem: What landscapers do to dem lawns.
- Money is the root of all wealth.
- Must Go - My Rotweiler needs its teeth sharpened.
- My attention isn't hard to get. It IS hard to keep...
- My computer has a terminal illness.
- My couch potato routine is honed to perfection.
- My fallacies are more logical than your fallacies.
- My foolish parents taught me to read and write.
- My head is sore, and there's a hole in the brick wall!
- My inferiority complexes aren't as good as yours.
- My other computer is an abacus.
- NETWORK: What fishermen do when not fishing.
- NEWS! Iraqi head seeks arms.
- NEWS! Police begin campaign to run down jaywalkers.
- NEWS! Survivor of siamese twins joins parents.
- NO! Taco Bell is NOT the Mexican Phone Company!
- Never argue with a woman when she's tired, or rested.
- Never draw fire, it irritates everyone around you.
- Never eat anything bigger than your head.
- Never eat more than you can lift.
- Never hit a man with glasses. Use your fist!
- Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
- Never mind the facts - I know what I know.
- Never say, "Oops!"; always say, "Ah, interesting!"
- Never trust a man who can count to 1,023 on his fingers.
- Never trust a skinny cook.
- Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
- Nitrate: Lower than the day rate.
- No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway.
- Not many people realize just how well known I am.
- Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has come.
- Nothing is ever so bad that it can't get worse.
- Now is the time for all good men to come to.
- Now that I've given up hope I feel much better.
- OPERATOR! Trace this call and tell me where I am.
- Of all the people I've met you're certainly one of them.
- Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.
- Ok, I pulled the pin. Now what? Where are you going?
- Old age is better than the alternative.
- On a scale of 1 to 10, 4 is about 7.
- On an electrician's truck: Let Us Remove Your Shorts.
- One atom bomb can really ruin your day.
- One good turn gets most of the blanket.
- One night I came home very late. It was the next night.
- One way to better your lot is to do a lot better.
- One way to stop a run away horse is to bet on him.
- Only cosmetologists give make-up exams.
- Only the winners decide what were war crimes.
- Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
- Paranoia is heightened awareness.
- Pardon my driving, I'm trying to reload.
- People say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.
- Pet Store: "Buy one, get one flea."
- Petroleum and coffee had no value a few centuries ago.
- Pizza IS the four food groups!
- Plasma is another matter.
- Please Tell Me if you Don't Get This Message.
- Poets go from bad to verse.
- Pound forehead on keyboard to continue.
- Press any key to continue or any other key to quit.
- Press any key...NO, NO, NO, NOT THAT ONE!!!!!!
- Procrastination means never having to say you're sorry.
- Procrastination: The art of keeping up with yesterday.
- Program too small to fit into memory.
- Programming is an art form that fights back.
- Prosecutors will be violated.
- Psychiatrists stay on your mind.
- Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots.
- Put on your seatbelt. I wanna try something.
- Quasimodo is a dead ringer.
- Radioactive halibut will make fission chips.
- Random order = oxymoron.
- Rap music = oxymoron.
- Reality is an obstacle to hallucination.
- Red ship crashes into blue ship - sailors marooned.
- Reduce Carbon Dioxide emmissions - STOP Breathing.
- Redundancy: A Politician with an airbag in his car.
- Remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.
- Remember, If you're not in bed by 10:30..... go home!
- Remember, Subaru spelled backwards is U-R-A-BUS.
- Reputation: what others are not thinking about you.
- Road Kill Cafe: You kill 'em, we grill 'em.
- Rotisserie: a ferris wheel for chickens.
- Round up the usual suspects!
- Rubber bands have snappy endings!
- Russian Express Card motto: Don't leave home!
- SCUD : Sure Could Use Directions
- STICK: A boomerang that doesn't work.
- STUPIDITY is NOT a HANDICAP! Park elsewhere!
- Save California; when you leave take someone with you.
- Save energy: be apathetic.
- Save the whales! Trade them for valuable prizes!
- Save the whales. Collect the whole set.
- Science asks why. I ask why not.
- Scientists discover life causes cancer.
- See how you can be?
- Shin - a device for finding furniture in the dark.
- Shoplifters with the runs take Clepto Bismol.
- Should I weed the lawn or say it's a garden?
- Sign on Closed Nuclear Power Plant... "Gone Fission"
- Sign on a clothing store - Come inside and have a fit.
- Simon says: don't be so suggestible.
- Smile. It's the second best thing you can do with your lips.
- Smile... people will wonder what you've been up to.
- Smiley faces were meant to be annoying.
- Smokey the Bear says, "Strip mining prevents forest fires!"
- Smoking cures weight problems...eventually.
- Smoking is a leading cause of statistics.
- So many pedestrians, so little time.
- Socialism is the equal distribution of poverty.
- Some days, nothing goes left.
- Some things have got to be believed to be seen.
- Someone is unenthusiastic about your work.
- Something is rotten in the state of confusion.
- Sorry, I don't date outside my species.
- Speaking only for myself, one of my many tricks.
- Spice is the variety of life.
- Standing there making a sitting target of himself.
- Suicide is the most sincere form of self criticism.
- Sumo Wrestling: survival of the fattest.
- Supernovae are a Blast.
- Support bacteria - it's the only culture some people have!
- Surprise your boss. Get to work on time.
- THE GOLDEN RULE: He who has the gold makes the rules.
- TV is chewing gum for the eyes.
- Tact: knowing how far to go too far.
- Take two crows and caw me in the morning.
- Ten weeks from Friday will be a pretty good day.
- That must be wonderful! I don't understand it at all.
- That's inches away from being millimeter perfect.
- The Lab called,..... Your brain is ready!
- The Universe is a big place... perhaps the biggest.
- The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.
- The best defense against logic is stupidity.
- The best defense is to stay out of range.
- The best way to win an argument is to be right.
- The buck doesn't even slow down here!
- The cause of problems are solutions!
- The cost of feathers has risen... Now even DOWN is up!
- The cost of living hasn't affected its popularity.
- The cream rises to the top. So does the scum.
- The days of the digital watch are numbered.
- The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it.
- The fish that escaped is the big one.
- The further I go, the behinder I get.
- The future isn't what it used to be.
- The hangman let us down.
- The meek shall inherit the earth, if that's OK with you.
- The only thing shorter than a weekend is a vacation.
- The pen is mightier than the pencil.
- The penalty for bigamy is having two mothers-in-law.
- The pendulum has gone full circle.
- The rich get richer; the poor get babies.
- The road to success is always under construction.
- The score didn't really reflect the outcome.
- The simple explanation always follows the complex solution.
- The way to a man's heart is through the left ventricle.
- The weather is here, wish you were beautiful.
- The whole world is about three drinks behind.
- The worst thing about censorship is **************************.
- The young know the rules, the old know the exceptions.
- There are 2 ways to handle women and I know neither.
- There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.
- There is an exception to every rule, except this one.
- There is no dark side of the moon. Really.
- There is no remedy for fun but more fun!
- There is something to be said about me: "Wow!!"
- There will be no last bus tonight.
- There's no such thing as a free lunch, but you can always find someone
willing to treat.
- They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them!
- Think hard now! Which one is Shinola?
- This line intentionally left unjustified.
- This mind intentionally left blank.
- This program makes me look like a genius.
- This sentence is false.
- This line was created from many little letters.
- This line was reclaimed and is not yet stolen.
- Those without heads do not need hats.
- Three can keep a secret, if two are dead.
- Time flies when you don't know what you're doing.
- Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
- Tis better to have loved a short than to never have loved a tall.
- To err is human. To really screw up it takes a computer.
- To err is human. To blame someone else is politics.
- To every rule there is an exception, and vice versa.
- Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
- Todays subliminal message is " "
- Tolkien is hobbit-forming.
- Too much is never enough.
- Too much month at the end of the money.
- Too much of a good thing is WONDERFUL.
- Touch if you must, Pay up if you bust.
- Toys are made in heaven, batteries are made in hell.
- Trespassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again!
- Tried to play my shoehorn... all I got was footnotes!
- Truck Pulls: for people who cannot understand the WWF.
- Truth is just another misconception.
- Tubby or not tubby, fat is the question!
- Turn right here. No! No! The OTHER right!
- Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do.
- Two heads are more numerous than one.
- Tire Shop sign - We Skid You Not.
- Unnamed Law: If it happens, it must be possible.
- Uh, yeah...I MEANT to do that!
- Use your MasterCard to pay your Visa bill.
- Users, losers -- what's the difference?
- Using yesterday's technology to solve today's problems, tomorrow.
- WARNING ... drinking tap water can kill your thirst!
- WYGIWYD -What you got is what you deserved.
- WYTYSYDG-What you thought you saw, you didn't get.
- Want a stupid answer? Ask me anything!
- War News: Saddam's army blown away by Thai hookers.
- Warning: Politicians can damage your wealth.
- Was today really Necessary?
- Wash your face in the morning, neck at night.
- Wasting time is an important part of living.
- We are the people our parents warned us about
- We have here the latest in primitive technology.
- We should limit congressmen to two terms: one in Congress, one in
- We take drugs very seriously at my house.
- We were unanimous - in fact everyone was unanimous.
- We're lost, but we're making good time.
- We're staying together for the sake of the cats.
- Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cabbage. Lettuce pray.
- What can you do for me?
- What color is a chameleon on a mirror?
- What do batteries run on?
- What does ignorant mean?
- What does this red button do?
- What goes around usually gets dizzy and falls over.
- What goes up has probably been doused with petrol.
- What has four legs and an arm? A happy pitbull.
- What's Irish and stays out all night? Paddy O'Furniture.
- What's another word for 'thesaurus?'
- What's brown and sticky? A stick!
- When 911 won't work, a .357 will!
- When in doubt, think.
- Where does weight go when you lose it?
- Who cares who's on board?
- Why are Chinese fortune cookies written in English?
- Why can't we just spell it orderves?
- Why do they tell us to watch "The Today Show" tomorrow?
- Why do we elect people and then become afraid of them?
- Why do we read left to right yet turn pages right to left?
- Why does it matter if we all put our pants on one leg at a time?
- Why don't ease, lease, and please sound alike?
- Why don't tomb, comb, and bomb sound alike?
- Why get even, when you can get odd?
- Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?
- Will the sound of one hand clapping still turn off my TV?
- Wisdom is knowing what to do with what you know.
- Without Time, everything would happen at once.
- Women - can't live with 'em and no resale value.
- Women do come with instructions; ask them.
- Women get minks the same way minks get minks.
- Work off excess energy. Steal something heavy.
- World ends today at 9:30 pm! Film at 11:00.
- Worry : The interest paid on trouble before it's due.
- Would I ask you a rhetorical question?
- You can tune a guitar, but you cant tuna fish.
- You can't have everything...where would you put it?
- You've got to be trusted by the people that you lie to.
- Young gorillas are friendly, but they soon learn.
- Youth is a gift of nature. Age is a work of art.
- [If you can't hear me, it's because I'm in parentheses]
- I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park anywhere
near the place.
- I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house
and four people died.
- Last week, I went to a furniture store to look for a decaffeinated
coffee table. They couldn't help me.
- What's another word for "thesaurus"?
- When I was a kid, we had a quicksand box in the backyard. I was an only
- I got my driver's license photo taken out of focus on purpose. Now when
I get pulled over the cop looks at it (moving it nearer & farther, trying to
see it clearly).... and says, "Here, you can go."
- I went to a general store but they wouldn't let me buy anything
- I went to a restaurant that serves "breakfast at any time." So I ordered
French Toast during the Renaissance.
- Did you hear about the cannibal who came home late for dinner and his
wife gave him a cold shoulder?
- A bratwerst walks into a bar and the barman says sorry we dont serve
food in here.
- "I have bad luck with doctors. The last one I went to wrote me a
prescription. It was for cigarettes!
- He asked me if I knew what time it was. I said, "Yes, but not right
- One night I came home very late. It was the next night.
- The other day when I was walking through the woods, I saw a rabbit
standing in front of a candle making shadows of people on a tree.
- A friend of mine once sent me a post card with a picture of the entire
planet Earth taken from space. On the back it said, "Wish you were here."
- Food is an important part of a balanced diet.
- "I used to live for sex, Now I'd die for some"